Rapiro Controller is now available at Apple App Store now!
IOS Address Book access with Swift
It is not difficult to access the IOS address book in Swift, but I got a segmentation fault when getting contact list and put into an NSArray from an example I found on Stackoverflow.com
Therefore, I did that with Swift array.
Control Rapiro with Mobile Device with Evothings Client
This is optional chapter for the tutorial of Control Rapiro with Mobile Device. If you are IOS developer, Control Rapiro with Mobile Device Part 2 is for you. However, since not everyone will pay for IOS development, I also created a simple app with HTML5/Javascript which will be able for you to test your Rapiro + RedBearLab BLE Nano
Control Rapiro with Mobile Phone Part 2 (IOS)
This is part two of Control Rapiro with Mobile Phone tutorial. For information how to connect RedBearLab BLE Nano and Rapiro, you can find in Part one of the tutorial.