IOS8 Modal View Controller like pop up

I thought this was a simple task, but the transparent background took me awhile to figure it out, so I am going to write it down here.

First must set the current view controller definesPresntationContext to YES, and popup view controller’s modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext  

This setting allows the current context to be displayed as background when popup the new view controller.


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LayerKit Atlas sending and receiving Image

Layer is a service that allow easy integration a chat function to the App.  I have been reading their document, and Atlas is a lightweight, flexible set of user interface components designed to enable developers to quickly and easily integrate native communications experiences into their applications. It was designed and built from the ground up to integrate with LayerKit the native iOS SDK for accessing the LayerKit communications platform.

Sending Image is basically automatically handle by Altas, but in order to view the image after receiving, you must set up autodownloadMIMETypes property for Layer Client.  



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NSPOSIXErrorDomain Error Code 57

I was writing an iOS app to connect to a socket server.  When I ran on the simulator, I kept getting error and disconnected immediately.  The Error Code was 57, and Error Domain is NSPOSIXErrorDomain.  I was scratching my head for awhile because I knew that I tested it and it was working when I first time running it.

After an hour of research, I found out the reason.  When changing the network, I have to restart the iOS simulator.  After I restarted the simulator, the socket connection was working again.  FML!  LOL!

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IOS 8 Location-Based Notification

When first time using location based feature on your app, your app must send a request authorization message to user to authorise location usage.

In order to create the location-based notification in iOS8, app must define the string in Info.plist file under the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription.


The message will be a description to user how the app will be using the location feature.  Remember that if you do not add this string, your app may not be able to use location based feature!

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IOS 8 Local Notification with Actions

Quick note on how to set up local notification with actions in IOS 8:

1. Set up UIMutableUserNotificationAction.  You need to the following properties:

  • identifier (a string that will be used for respond to the action that user requested)
  • title (string to display on the button)
  • activationMode (enum for UIUserNotificationActivationMode: Foreground or Background.  define if the action running in background or bring the app to the foreground)
  • destructive (boolean, if set true the button will be red color)
  • authenticationRequired (boolean, set to true if you are doing some harmful action so that no other people can respond to the action)

2. Set up UIMutableUserNotificationCategory and set the identifier property.   We will group actions into different categories, and we will just use the category identifier to identify which set of actions will be used.

3. set category actions.  define default and minimal actions for different context.

4. Add category and type of notifications that will be used to UIUserNotificationSettings.

5. Register settings.  UIApplication.sharedApplication().registerUserNotifcationSettings(settings) and we are ready to send notification.

6. When creating a UILocalNotification, we will set the following properties:

  • category (category identifier we defined earlier.  actions belong to that category will be added to the notification)
  • alertBody (string, message to be displayed)
  • soundName (optional. sound for the notification)
  • fireDate (if you would like to schedule the notification to be display later, set this property)

7. Now you can call UIApplication.shareApplication().presentLocalNotificationNow(notification) or UIApplication.shareApplication().scheduleLocalNotification(notification)

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